Monday, June 16, 2008

Arches National Park

We took the girls a small walk to a look out point to Landscape Arch. Madie and Bryn decided to play dead so they didn't have to walk anymore, so I let them lay there until they wanted to walk back to the car. ;0)

Sometimes she LOOKS so innocent! NOT!

Parker Family Reunion '08

Do you LOVE the socks? She wore these for 3 days! Yes I threw them away after. I don't know if she was scared of bugs bits(ha-ha) or a sun burn. That's my Bryn!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

T-BALL '08

Bryn started her 1st year of T-Ball. Boy does she love to Run the bases!! It is sooo Cute! It is a plus for her that she gets to talk to everyone as she runs them. WhAt A kID! She is our social butterfly. She loVes it when her uncle Tuft cheers her on from the sidelines. She always gives him that little Bryn smile. ;)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Play Time

Bryn wanted to take Kira to the Splash Park. So off they went. They even got Jess to ride the slide with them. :) Along the way Kira was found by a cute little boy who wanted to play with her so there he is. We don't know him, but he was a cute little guy.


This is our little Kira Jo. She is a Doll. We have always told her & Bryn that they are sisters. Before Jessica & Iz had Kira, Bryn was thier baby too. They have always been close to all of my girls. Jessica & Iz had to wait longer then planned to have little Kira, so when she came along we told Bryn she was getting a baby sisiter.I was very done having babies, and Bryn wanted one. So long story short, this is our Baby Girl Kira. She justed turned 2 and we love her very much. We don't get to see her as much as we would like so we really enjoy the times we are with her and her family. Thanks Jess & Iz for sharing her with us!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Park Time

The girls love the new Hidden Valley Park by our house. It is OnE GoOd thing about this house.


Bryn learned this from uncle TUFT. That is how they say GoodBye. Peace Out!