Monday, June 16, 2008

Arches National Park

We took the girls a small walk to a look out point to Landscape Arch. Madie and Bryn decided to play dead so they didn't have to walk anymore, so I let them lay there until they wanted to walk back to the car. ;0)

Sometimes she LOOKS so innocent! NOT!

Parker Family Reunion '08

Do you LOVE the socks? She wore these for 3 days! Yes I threw them away after. I don't know if she was scared of bugs bits(ha-ha) or a sun burn. That's my Bryn!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

T-BALL '08

Bryn started her 1st year of T-Ball. Boy does she love to Run the bases!! It is sooo Cute! It is a plus for her that she gets to talk to everyone as she runs them. WhAt A kID! She is our social butterfly. She loVes it when her uncle Tuft cheers her on from the sidelines. She always gives him that little Bryn smile. ;)